The Masterclass aims to deepen the world of robotic surgery that today represents a technology that is rapidly spreading in many centers. The course is divided into two modules and allows the learner to identify the most congenial formula for their preparation. The first module, entirely online or in presence, provides the opportunity to interact with experts in the national and international sector; the second module, entirely practical, is configured as a full immersion in which to apply the concepts learned.
The Masterclass is part of the project of the Mediterranean Academy of Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery, originated from the desire to share knowledge in the field of liver, pancreas and biliary tract surgery. The doctor, recipient of this training project, will be able to develop a critical analysis of the indications, multidisciplinary management, surgical technique and operative management of patients.
Riccardo Memeo, U.O.C. of Director Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery,
Ospedale “F. Miulli”, Acquaviva delle Fonti, Bari
AMCE President